Canopy Community Development District Adopted Budget FY 2025 1-4 5-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 2222-5624 Assessment Area 3 - Special Assessment Bonds Series 2018A-3 Table of Contents General Fund General Fund Narrative Assessment Area 1 - Special Assessment Bonds Series 2018A-4 Assessment Area 2 - Special Assessment Bonds Series 2018A-1 Assessment Area 2 - Special Assessment Bonds Series 2018A-2 Capital Reserve FunAdss -e Gssemneernatl CFhuanrdt Canopy Community Development District General Fund Budget Adopted Actual Projected Projected Adopted Description Budget FY 2024 Thru 7/31/24 Next 2 Months Thru 9/30/24 Budget FY 2025 Revenues Maintenance Assessments - Tax Roll $ 321,064 $ 322,595 $ - $ 322,595 $ 343,947 Maintenance Assessments - Direct (Apartments) $ 166,905 $ 97,361 $ - $ 97,361 $ 58,342 Maintenance Assessments - Direct (Ox Bottom) $ 85,340 $ 71,113 $ 14,227 $ 85,340 $ 87,460 Developer Contributions $ 71,553 $ 7,077 $ 35,000 $ 42,077 $ 213,336 Miscellaneous Income (Rentals) $ 1,000 $ 150 $ 500 $ 650 $ 1,000 Total Revenues $ 645,862 $ 498,296 $ 49,727 $ 548,023 $ 704,085 Expenditure Administrative Supervisor Fees $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 2,000 FICA $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 153 Engineering $ 12,000 $ - $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 12,000 Arbitrage $ 450 $ 450 $ - $ 450 $ 450 Assessment Roll $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 Dissemination $ 8,000 $ 6,767 $ 1,333 $ 8,100 $ 8,480 Amortization Schedule $ 2,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 2,000 Attorney $ 35,000 $ 20,138 $ 5,754 $ 25,892 $ 35,000 Annual Audit $ 5,000 $ 4,500 $ - $ 4,500 $ 5,000 Trustee Fees $ 10,000 $ 9,001 $ 999 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Management Fees $ 40,903 $ 34,086 $ 6,818 $ 40,904 $ 43,357 Information Technology $ 3,922 $ 3,268 $ 654 $ 3,922 $ 4,157 Travel $ 50 $ - $ 25 $ 25 $ 50 Telephone $ 250 $ 30 $ 125 $ 155 $ 250 Postage $ 1,000 $ 1,139 $ 325 $ 1,464 $ 1,000 Printing & Binding $ 1,500 $ 844 $ 169 $ 1,013 $ 1,500 Insurance-Liability $ 6,500 $ 5,576 $ - $ 5,576 $ 6,500 Legal Advertising $ 2,500 $ 1,253 $ 500 $ 1,753 $ 2,500 Other Current Charges $ 3,000 $ 603 $ 80 $ 683 $ 3,000 Office Supplies $ 750 $ 380 $ 109 $ 489 $ 750 Dues $ 175 $ 175 $ - $ 175 $ 175 Total Administrative $ 135,500 $ 90,710 $ 23,891 $ 114,601 $ 140,823 Maintenance Common Area: Field Services $ 12,000 $ - $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 12,000 Porter Services $ 6,000 $ - $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 6,000 Landscape Maintenance $ 140,000 $ 152,897 $ 31,900 $ 184,797 $ 185,000 Landscape Contingency $ 13,500 $ 15,358 $ - $ 15,358 $ 17,500 Plant Replacement $ 7,500 $ - $ 3,750 $ 3,750 $ 7,500 Irrigation - Repairs $ 5,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 5,000 Irrigation - Water $ 10,000 $ - $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 10,000 Irrigation - Electric $ 2,500 $ - $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 2,500 Wetland Mitigation and Monitoring $ 5,000 $ 550 $ 4,450 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 Lake Maintenance $ 7,500 $ - $ 3,750 $ 3,750 $ 7,500 Dove Pond Dam Surety Bond $ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 Repairs and Maintenance $ 12,500 $ 4,725 $ 6,250 $ 10,975 $ 12,500 Operating Supplies $ 1,250 $ - $ 625 $ 625 $ 1,250 Total Common Area $ 232,750 $ 173,530 $ 78,475 $ 252,005 $ 281,750 Canopy Community Development District General Fund Budget Adopted Actual Projected Projected Adopted Description Budget FY 2024 Thru 7/31/24 Next 2 Months Thru 9/30/24 Budget FY 2025 Amenity Center Amenity Management Staffing $ 35,000 $ - $ 17,500 $ 17,500 $ 35,000 Janitorial $ 15,000 $ 7,902 $ 1,500 $ 9,402 $ 15,000 Landscape Maintenance $ 12,000 $ - $ 6,000 $ 6,000 $ 12,000 Pool Maintenance $ 27,600 $ 27,000 $ 4,600 $ 31,600 $ 31,500 Pool Chemicals $ 7,500 $ - $ 3,750 $ 3,750 $ 7,500 Pool Permits $ 750 $ 375 $ 400 $ 775 $ 750 Utilities $ 39,500 $ 27,086 $ 7,739 $ 34,825 $ 39,500 Trash $ 2,400 $ 368 $ 66 $ 434 $ 2,400 Pest Control $ 1,200 $ - $ 600 $ 600 $ 1,200 Termite Bond $ 750 $ - $ 375 $ 375 $ 750 Insurance - Property $ 15,500 $ 14,381 $ - $ 14,381 $ 15,500 Cable/Internet $ 7,500 $ 3,177 $ 636 $ 3,813 $ 7,500 Access Cards $ 2,500 $ - $ 1,250 $ 1,250 $ 2,500 Activities $ 15,000 $ - $ 7,500 $ 7,500 $ 15,000 Security/Alarms/Repair $ 15,000 $ 3,509 $ 360 $ 3,869 $ 15,000 Repairs and Maintenance $ 15,000 $ 722 $ 500 $ 1,222 $ 15,000 Office Supplies $ 2,000 $ - $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 2,000 Holiday Decorations $ 5,000 $ - $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 5,000 Total Amenity $ 219,200 $ 84,520 $ 56,276 $ 140,796 $ 223,100 Other Contingency $ 18,412 $ - $ 9,206 $ 9,206 $ 18,412 Capital Reserve (1) $ 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Total Other $ 58,412 $ - $ 49,206 $ 49,206 $ 58,412 Total Maintenance $ 510,362 $ 258,050 $ 183,957 $ 442,007 $ 563,262 Total Expenditures $ 645,862 $ 348,760 $ 207,848 $ 556,608 $ 704,085 Excess Revenues (Expenditures) $ - $ 149,536 -$ 158,121 $ (8,585) $ - Canopy Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET REVENUES: Assessments The District will levy a non-ad valorem special assessment and on taxable property and unplatted lots within the District to fund general operating and maintenance expenditures for the Fiscal Year. Developer Contributions The District will enter into a Funding Agreement with the Developer to fund the General Fund expenditures for the Fiscal Year. Interest Income Represents estimated interest earnings from cash balances in the District's operating account with Suntrust. Miscellaneous Income Income received from rentals and other miscellaneous income. EXPENDITURES: Administrative: Supervisor Fees The Florida Statutes allows each supervisor to be paid per meeting, for the time devoted to District business and board meetings. The amount is based upon 5 Supervisors attending 6 meetings during the fiscal year. FICA Expense Represents the Employer’s share of Social Security and Medicare taxes withheld from Board of Supervisor checks. Engineering The District's engineer will be providing general engineering services to the District, e.g. attendance and preparation for monthly board meetings, review invoices, etc. The District is currently contracted with Halff Associates, Inc. Arbitrage The District will contract with an independent certified public accountant to annually calculate the District’s Arbitrage Rebate Liability on the new Special Assessment Revenue Bonds. Canopy Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Dissemination The District is required by the Security and Exchange Commission to comply with Rule 15c2- 12(b) (5) which relates to additional reporting requirements for unrated bond issues. Attorney The District's legal counsel, Kilinski Van Wyk, will be providing general legal services to the District, e.g. attendance and preparation for monthly meetings, preparation and review of agreements, resolutions, etc. Annual Audit The District is required by Florida Statutes to arrange for an independent audit of its financial records on an annual basis by an Independent Certified Public Accounting Firm. The District has contracted with Grau & Associates for these services. (NTE $4,500/year) Trustee Fees The District’s new Special Assessments Revenue Bonds will be held and administered with a Trustee. Management Fees The District has contracted with Governmental Management Services, LLC to provide Management, Accounting and Recording Secretary Services for the District. The services include, but are not limited to, recording and transcription of board meetings, administrative services, budget preparation, all financials reporting, annual audits, etc. Information Technology The District incurs costs related to the District’s accounting and information systems, District’s website creation and maintenance, electronic compliance with Florida Statutes and other electronic data requirements. Travel The Board of Supervisors can be reimbursed for travel expenditures related to the conducting of District business. Telephone Telephone and fax machine. Postage Mailing of agenda packages, overnight deliveries, checks for vendors, and any other required correspondence, etc. Canopy Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Printing & Binding Printing and Binding agenda packages for board meetings, printing of computerized checks, stationary, envelopes etc Insurance - Liability Represents the District’s general liability, public officials liability and property insurance coverage, which will be provided by Florida Insurance Alliance (FIA). FIA specializes in providing insurance coverage to governmental agencies. Legal Advertising Advertising of monthly board meetings, public hearings, and any services that are required to be advertised for public bidding, i.e. audit services, engineering service, maintenance contracts and any other advertising that may be required. Other Current Charges Bank charges and any other miscellaneous expenses incurred during the fiscal year. Office Supplies The District incurs charges for supplies that need to be purchased during the fiscal year, including copier and printer toner cartridges, paper, file folders, binders, pens, paper clips, and other such office supplies. Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions The District is required to pay an annual fee to the Florida Department of Commerce for $175. This is the only expense under this category for the District. Maintenance (Common Area): Field Services The District will contract to provide onsite field management of contracts for District Services such as landscape maintenance. Services to include weekly site inspections, meetings with contractors, monitoring of utility accounts, attend Board meetings and receive and respond to property owner phone calls and emails. Porter Services The District will incur cost for street sweeping and/or cleaning. Canopy Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Landscape Maintenance The District will incur landscape maintenance expenses, which include mowing, edging, string-trimming, annual flower replacements, shrub and palm pruning, weeding, fertilization, pine straw, pest control and irrigation inspections during the fiscal year. Landscape Contingency To record the cost of landscape enhancements as well as any miscellaneous landscape items currently not budgeted or covered in landscape contract. Plant Replacement Unscheduled maintenance consists of tree, shrub and other plant material replacements as well as annual bed enhancements Irrigation Repairs To record the cost of repairs to the irrigation system and preventative maintenance on the irrigation pump station. Irrigation -Water The District incurs cost for water. The District will contract with a utility company to provide this service. Irrigation - Electric The District will incur cost for electric for irrigation timers. Wetland Mitigation and Monitoring Task 1A: Baseline Monitoring: - Within 30 days of planting, FELSI will provide FDEP a baseline monitoring report for approval showing sampling locations, Photo Stations, the mitigation wetland area and location of plants planted as directed in the FDEP permit Task 1B: Wetland Monitoring: - Long term monitoring will determine the likelihood of success of the mitigation project and will be conducted semi-annually for the first year and annually for two through five. Monitoring reports will be submitted to FDEP within 30 days of the monitoring event and include criteria listed in the permitted monitoring plan. Task 1C Release from Monitoring Request: -Release from Monitoring can be requested when all criteria of the monitoring plan has been continuously met for a period of at least one growing season and not prior to two years postplanting. The release request will include preparation of a written request to FDEP detailing Canopy Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET that the monitoring plan criteria has been met. The release cost includes site visits with the agencies, if needed. Task 1D: Wetland Maintenance: - As part of the DEP and COT requirements, maintenance of the mitigation areas must be conducted to remove any nuisance and/or exotic vegetation affecting project compliance and should not exceed 1% of the total cover. - The treatment of exotics within the 17.23 acres of wetland creation will be undertaken per the maintenance procedures in the permitted monitoring plan and performed by a State of Florida licensed commercial use pesticide applicator. The 27.34 acre wetland preservation area is also to be maintained free from exotics. Inspection and treatments, if necessary, in the mitigation site will be conducted quarterly for four years (total 16 inspections) and continue until permit success criteria has been met. The cost represented below is a per event/quarter cost for quarterly inspections of exotics. This task includes report preparation and submission. - The cost for treatment will be related to site conditions, which will determine the level of effort needed to bring the project into compliance. Task 2: Installation and Maintenance of Wood Duck Boxes: - As part of the Wetland Mitigation Report, duck boxes are to be installed within the pond. No number was given in the approved document. Based upon the estimated potential suitable habitat around the lake, we would recommend 8 boxes. Typically wooden boxes are cheaper, but only last a few years. The price included is for 8 boxes that are more durable. The cost includes all materials and installation of the boxes. Boxes can be maintained after nesting seasons ends in August and prepared for spring nesting the following year. The price included is for maintenance to occur once per year in combination with the scheduled monitoring events. Task 3: Environmental Permit Management: - The FDEP and City permits have many conditions to keep track of. FELSI can summarize these conditions, timelines and responsible parties and provide limited oversight of task completion and reporting. It was noted that there are several inconsistencies in the DEP permit and the approved environmental considerations report. These inconsistencies may create problems or they may be easily explained and rectified. Management would continue until Success Criteria has been met. The cost provided is divided into Year 1, which is expected to take more effort and then subsequent years on an annual basis. Lake Maintenance The District will contract to provide for the few Stormwater management facilities that the CDD will own and maintain. Repairs and Maintenance Cost of repairs and maintenance throughout the common area of the District. Canopy Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Operating Supplies Purchase of supplies for the District. Amenity Center: Amenity Management Staffing Staff cost associated with helping and running the amenity center. Pool Attendants The cost to hire and supervise pool attendants used to help with running the amenity center’s pool. Account line includes staff hours for the fiscal year, all related benefits, and a contingency for projects and pay increase. Janitorial The cost to provide cleaning for amenity center. Pool Maintenance The District will contract with a vendor to provide for the maintenance of the Amenity Center swimming pool. Pool Chemicals The District will contract with a vendor to provide pool chemicals to maintain the pool. Pool Permits Represents Permit Fees paid to the Department of Health for the swimming pool. Pool Electric The cost of electric to run the amenity pool. Pool – Water The cost of water used for the amenity pool. Telephone The cost of phone services for amenity center. Water/Sewer The cost of water and sewer associated with amenity center restrooms and irrigation. Gas Canopy Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET The cost associated with providing propane gas services to heat the pool. Trash The cost of providing garbage disposal services. Pest Control This represents pest control of amenity center by contracted vendor. Termite Bond This represents cost to maintain termite warranty for the amenity center. Insurance - Property The District's Property Insurance policy will contract with Florida Insurance Alliance (FIA). FIA specializes in providing insurance coverage to governmental agencies. The amount budgeted represents the estimated premium for property insurance related to the Amenity Center. Cable/Internet The cost of cable and internet services for amenity center. Access Cards Represents the estimated cost for access cards used for entry to the District’s Amenity Center. Activities Represents estimated costs for the District to host special events for the community throughout the Fiscal Year. Security/Alarms/Repair The monthly service fee and maintenance costs associated with security alarms/cameras provided by contracted vendor. Repairs and Maintenance Represents regular repairs and replacements for District’s Amenity Center. Office Supplies The cost of supplies used by Amenity Center Staff to run the center includes postage, printer ink, and office supplies. Canopy Community Development District GENERAL FUND BUDGET Holiday Decorations Estimated cost for installation of holiday lights and décor as well as supplies. Other: Contingency To record the cost of any maintenance expenses not properly classified in any of the other accounts. Capital Reserve This amount is subject to change upon further completion of infrastructure supported by professional reserve study or engineer’s estimate for annual funding. Canopy Community Development District Debt Service Fund Budget Assessment Area 1 - Series 2018A-4 Bonds Adopted Actual Projected Projected Adopted Description Budget FY 2024 Thru 7/31/24 Next 2 Months Thru 9/30/24 Budget FY 2025 Revenues Assessments - Tax Roll (Platted Lots) $ 65,612 $ 65,916 $ - $ 65,916 $ 65,612 Interest Income $ 500 $ 4,468 $ 894 $ 5,362 $ 500 Carry Forward Surplus $ 57,524 $ 57,543 $ - $ 57,543 $ 66,051 Total Revenues $ 123,636 $ 127,927 $ 894 $ 128,820 $ 132,163 Expenditure Interest - 11/1 $ 23,023 $ 23,023 $ - $ 23,023 $ 22,648 Principal - 5/1 $ 15,000 $ 15,000 $ - $ 15,000 $ 20,000 Interest - 5/1 $ 23,023 $ 23,023 $ - $ 23,023 $ 22,648 Transfer Out $ 25 $ 1,436 $ 287 $ 1,723 $ 250 Total Expenditures $ 61,071 $ 62,482 $ 287 $ 62,769 $ 65,545 Excess Revenues $ 62,565 $ 65,445 $ 606 $ 66,051 $ 66,618 Beginning Fund Balance $ 90,257 Interest - 11/1 $ 22,148 Less: Debt Service Reserve $ (32,714) Carry Forward Surplus $ 57,543 Assessments Area I Product Type Units O&M Debt Total Debt Total Single Family - 40' 19 $ 891 $ 650 $ 1,541 $ 12,350 Single Family - 50' 47 $ 891 $ 750 $ 1,641 $ 35,250 Single Family - 60' 27 $ 891 $ 850 $ 1,741 $ 22,950 Total Units 93 $ 70,550 Less: Discounts & Collections $ (4,939) Total Net Assessments $ 65,612 Canopy Community Development District Series 2018A-4, Special Assessment Bonds (Combined) Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Annual 5/1/22 $ 935,000 $ 15,000 $ 23,773 $ - 11/1/22 $ 920,000 $ - $ 23,398 $ 62,170 5/1/23 $ 920,000 $ 15,000 $ 23,398 $ - 11/1/23 $ 905,000 $ - $ 23,023 $ 61,420 5/1/24 $ 905,000 $ 15,000 $ 23,023 $ - 11/1/24 $ 890,000 $ - $ 22,648 $ 60,670 5/1/25 $ 890,000 $ 20,000 $ 22,648 $ - 11/1/25 $ 870,000 $ - $ 22,148 $ 64,795 5/1/26 $ 870,000 $ 20,000 $ 22,148 $ - 11/1/26 $ 850,000 $ - $ 21,648 $ 63,795 5/1/27 $ 850,000 $ 20,000 $ 21,648 $ - 11/1/27 $ 830,000 $ - $ 21,148 $ 62,795 5/1/28 $ 830,000 $ 20,000 $ 21,148 $ - 11/1/28 $ 810,000 $ - $ 20,648 $ 61,795 5/1/29 $ 810,000 $ 20,000 $ 20,648 $ - 11/1/29 $ 790,000 $ - $ 20,148 $ 60,795 5/1/30 $ 790,000 $ 25,000 $ 20,148 $ - 11/1/30 $ 765,000 $ - $ 19,523 $ 64,670 5/1/31 $ 765,000 $ 25,000 $ 19,523 $ - 11/1/31 $ 740,000 $ - $ 18,898 $ 63,420 5/1/32 $ 740,000 $ 25,000 $ 18,898 $ - 11/1/32 $ 715,000 $ - $ 18,273 $ 62,170 5/1/33 $ 715,000 $ 25,000 $ 18,273 $ - 11/1/33 $ 690,000 $ - $ 17,648 $ 60,920 5/1/34 $ 690,000 $ 30,000 $ 17,648 $ - 11/1/34 $ 660,000 $ - $ 16,898 $ 64,545 5/1/35 $ 660,000 $ 30,000 $ 16,898 $ - 11/1/35 $ 630,000 $ - $ 16,148 $ 63,045 5/1/36 $ 630,000 $ 30,000 $ 16,148 $ - 11/1/36 $ 600,000 $ - $ 15,398 $ 61,545 5/1/37 $ 600,000 $ 35,000 $ 15,398 $ - 11/1/37 $ 565,000 $ - $ 14,523 $ 64,920 5/1/38 $ 565,000 $ 35,000 $ 14,523 $ - Canopy Community Development District Series 2018A-4, Special Assessment Bonds (Combined) Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Annual 11/1/38 $ 530,000 $ - $ 13,648 $ 63,170 5/1/39 $ 530,000 $ 35,000 $ 13,648 $ - 11/1/39 $ 495,000 $ - $ 12,746 $ 61,394 5/1/40 $ 495,000 $ 40,000 $ 12,746 $ - 11/1/40 $ 455,000 $ - $ 11,716 $ 64,463 5/1/41 $ 455,000 $ 40,000 $ 11,716 $ - 11/1/41 $ 415,000 $ - $ 10,686 $ 62,403 5/1/42 $ 415,000 $ 45,000 $ 10,686 $ - 11/1/42 $ 370,000 $ - $ 9,528 $ 65,214 5/1/43 $ 370,000 $ 45,000 $ 9,528 $ - 11/1/43 $ 325,000 $ - $ 8,369 $ 62,896 5/1/44 $ 325,000 $ 45,000 $ 8,369 $ - 11/1/44 $ 280,000 $ - $ 7,210 $ 60,579 5/1/45 $ 280,000 $ 50,000 $ 7,210 $ - 11/1/45 $ 230,000 $ - $ 5,923 $ 63,133 5/1/46 $ 230,000 $ 55,000 $ 5,923 $ - 11/1/46 $ 175,000 $ - $ 4,506 $ 65,429 5/1/47 $ 175,000 $ 55,000 $ 4,506 $ - 11/1/47 $ 120,000 $ - $ 3,090 $ 62,596 5/1/48 $ 120,000 $ 60,000 $ 3,090 $ - 11/1/48 $ 60,000 $ - $ 1,545 $ 64,635 5/1/49 $ 60,000 $ 60,000 $ 1,545 $ 61,545 Totals $ 935,000 $ 825,925 $ 1,760,925 Adopted Actual Projected Projected Adopted Description Budget FY 2024 Thru 7/31/24 Next 2 Months Thru 9/30/24 Budget FY 2025 Revenues Assessments - Tax Roll (Platted Lots) $ 94,279 $ 94,716 $ - $ 94,716 $ 94,279 Assessments - Direct (Unplatted Lots) $ 70,029 $ 97,054 $ - $ 97,054 $ 70,029 Interest Income $ 500 $ 6,341 $ 1,000 $ 7,341 $ 500 Carry Forward Surplus $ 74,838 $ 63,229 $ - $ 63,229 $ 94,743 Total Revenues $ 239,646 $ 261,340 $ 1,000 $ 262,340 $ 259,551 Expenditure Interest - 11/1 $ 64,121 $ 64,121 $ - $ 64,121 $ 63,071 Principal - 5/1 $ 35,000 $ 35,000 $ - $ 35,000 $ 35,000 Interest - 5/1 $ 64,121 $ 64,121 $ - $ 64,121 $ 63,071 Transfer Out $ 600 $ 3,629 $ 726 $ 4,355 $ 600 Total Expenditures $ 163,242 $ 166,871 $ 726 $ 167,597 $ 161,743 Excess Revenues $ 76,404 $ 94,469 $ 274 $ 94,743 $ 97,809 Interest - 11/1 $ 62,021 Canopy Community Development District Debt Service Fund Budget Assessment Area 2 - Series 2018A-1 Bonds Canopy Community Development District Series 2018A-1, Special Assessment Bonds (Combined) Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Annual 5/1/22 $ 2,170,000 $ 30,000 $ 66,071 $ - 11/1/22 $ 2,140,000 $ - $ 65,171 $ 161,243 5/1/23 $ 2,140,000 $ 35,000 $ 65,171 $ - 11/1/23 $ 2,105,000 $ - $ 64,121 $ 164,293 5/1/24 $ 2,105,000 $ 35,000 $ 64,121 $ - 11/1/24 $ 2,070,000 $ - $ 63,071 $ 162,193 5/1/25 $ 2,070,000 $ 35,000 $ 63,071 $ - 11/1/25 $ 2,035,000 $ - $ 62,021 $ 160,093 5/1/26 $ 2,035,000 $ 40,000 $ 62,021 $ - 11/1/26 $ 1,995,000 $ - $ 60,821 $ 162,843 5/1/27 $ 1,995,000 $ 40,000 $ 60,821 $ - 11/1/27 $ 1,955,000 $ - $ 59,621 $ 160,443 5/1/28 $ 1,955,000 $ 45,000 $ 59,621 $ - 11/1/28 $ 1,910,000 $ - $ 58,271 $ 162,893 5/1/29 $ 1,910,000 $ 45,000 $ 58,271 $ - 11/1/29 $ 1,865,000 $ - $ 56,921 $ 160,193 5/1/30 $ 1,865,000 $ 50,000 $ 56,921 $ - 11/1/30 $ 1,815,000 $ - $ 55,421 $ 162,343 5/1/31 $ 1,815,000 $ 50,000 $ 55,421 $ - 11/1/31 $ 1,765,000 $ - $ 53,921 $ 159,343 5/1/32 $ 1,765,000 $ 55,000 $ 53,921 $ - 11/1/32 $ 1,710,000 $ - $ 52,271 $ 161,193 5/1/33 $ 1,710,000 $ 60,000 $ 52,271 $ - 11/1/33 $ 1,650,000 $ - $ 50,471 $ 162,743 5/1/34 $ 1,650,000 $ 65,000 $ 50,471 $ - 11/1/34 $ 1,585,000 $ - $ 48,521 $ 163,993 5/1/35 $ 1,585,000 $ 65,000 $ 48,521 $ - 11/1/35 $ 1,520,000 $ - $ 46,571 $ 160,093 5/1/36 $ 1,520,000 $ 70,000 $ 46,571 $ - 11/1/36 $ 1,450,000 $ - $ 44,471 $ 161,043 5/1/37 $ 1,450,000 $ 75,000 $ 44,471 $ - 11/1/37 $ 1,375,000 $ - $ 42,221 $ 161,693 5/1/38 $ 1,375,000 $ 80,000 $ 42,221 $ - 11/1/38 $ 1,295,000 $ - $ 39,821 $ 162,043 5/1/39 $ 1,295,000 $ 85,000 $ 39,821 $ - 11/1/39 $ 1,210,000 $ - $ 37,208 $ 162,029 5/1/40 $ 1,210,000 $ 90,000 $ 37,208 $ - 11/1/40 $ 1,120,000 $ - $ 34,440 $ 161,648 5/1/41 $ 1,120,000 $ 95,000 $ 34,440 $ - 11/1/41 $ 1,025,000 $ - $ 31,519 $ 160,959 5/1/42 $ 1,025,000 $ 100,000 $ 31,519 $ - 11/1/42 $ 925,000 $ - $ 28,444 $ 159,963 5/1/43 $ 925,000 $ 110,000 $ 28,444 $ - 11/1/43 $ 815,000 $ - $ 25,061 $ 163,505 5/1/44 $ 815,000 $ 115,000 $ 25,061 $ - 11/1/44 $ 700,000 $ - $ 21,525 $ 161,586 5/1/45 $ 700,000 $ 125,000 $ 21,525 $ - 11/1/45 $ 575,000 $ - $ 17,681 $ 164,206 Canopy Community Development District Series 2018A-1, Special Assessment Bonds (Combined) Amortization Schedule Date Balance Principal Interest Annual 5/1/46 $ 575,000 $ 130,000 $ 17,681 $ - 11/1/46 $ 445,000 $ - $ 13,684 $ 161,365 5/1/47 $ 445,000 $ 140,000 $ 13,684 $ - 11/1/47 $ 305,000 $ - $ 9,379 $ 163,063 5/1/48 $ 305,000 $ 150,000 $ 9,379 $ - 11/1/48 $ 155,000 $ - $ 4,766 $ 164,145 5/1/49 $ 155,000 $ 155,000 $ 4,766 $ 159,766 Totals $ 2,170,000 $ 2,360,906 $ 4,530,906 Canopy Community Development District Debt Service Fund Budget Assessment Area 2 - Series 2018A-2 Bonds Adopted Actual Projected Projected Adopted Description Budget FY 2024 Thru 7/31/24 Next 2 Months Thru 9/30/24 Budget FY 2025 Revenues Assessments - Direct (Unplatted Lots) $ 182,000 $ 237,892 $ - $ 237,892 $ 182,000 Assessments - Prepayments $ - $ 9,333 $ - $ 9,333 $ - Interest Income $ 1,500 $ 3,057 $ 611 $ 3,668 $ 1,500 Carry Forward Surplus $ 173,923 $ 72,109 $ - $ 72,109 $ 134,245 Total Revenues $ 357,423 $ 322,391 $ 611 $ 323,002 $ 317,745 Expenditure Interest - 11/1 $ 72,109 $ 72,109 $ - $ 72,109 $ 70,418 Special Call - 11/1 $ - $ 10,000 $ - $ 10,000 $ - Interest 2/1 $ - $ 154 $ - $ 154 $ - Special Call - 2/1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Interest - 5/1 $ 72,109 $ 71,494 $ - $ 71,494 $ 70,418 Special Call - 5/1 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Principal - 5/1 $ 40,000 $ 35,000 $ - $ 35,000 $ 40,000 Total Expenditures $ 184,218 $ 188,757 $ - $ 188,757 $ 180,835 Excess Revenues $ 173,205 $ 133,634 $ 611 $ 134,245 $ 136,910 Interest - 11/1 $ 69,188 Canopy Community Development District Series 2018A-2, Special Assessment Bonds (Term due 5/1/49) Amortization Schedule Date Balance Coupon Principal Interest Annual 5/1/24 $ 2,325,000 6.150% $ 35,000 $ 71,494 $ 106,494 11/1/24 $ 2,290,000 6.150% $ 70,418 $ - 5/1/25 $ 2,290,000 6.150% $ 40,000 $ 70,418 $ 180,835 11/1/25 $ 2,250,000 6.150% $ 69,188 $ - 5/1/26 $ 2,250,000 6.150% $ 40,000 $ 69,188 $ 178,375 11/1/26 $ 2,210,000 6.150% $ 67,958 $ - 5/1/27 $ 2,210,000 6.150% $ 45,000 $ 67,958 $ 180,915 11/1/27 $ 2,165,000 6.150% $ 66,574 $ - 5/1/28 $ 2,165,000 6.150% $ 45,000 $ 66,574 $ 178,148 11/1/28 $ 2,120,000 6.150% $ 65,190 $ - 5/1/29 $ 2,120,000 6.150% $ 50,000 $ 65,190 $ 180,380 11/1/29 $ 2,070,000 6.150% $ 63,653 $ - 5/1/30 $ 2,070,000 6.150% $ 55,000 $ 63,653 $ 182,305 11/1/30 $ 2,015,000 6.150% $ 61,961 $ - 5/1/31 $ 2,015,000 6.150% $ 55,000 $ 61,961 $ 178,923 11/1/31 $ 1,960,000 6.150% $ 60,270 $ - 5/1/32 $ 1,960,000 6.150% $ 60,000 $ 60,270 $ 180,540 11/1/32 $ 1,900,000 6.150% $ 58,425 $ - 5/1/33 $ 1,900,000 6.150% $ 65,000 $ 58,425 $ 181,850 11/1/33 $ 1,835,000 6.150% $ 56,426 $ - 5/1/34 $ 1,835,000 6.150% $ 70,000 $ 56,426 $ 182,853 11/1/34 $ 1,765,000 6.150% $ 54,274 $ - 5/1/35 $ 1,765,000 6.150% $ 75,000 $ 54,274 $ 183,548 11/1/35 $ 1,690,000 6.150% $ 51,968 $ - 5/1/36 $ 1,690,000 6.150% $ 80,000 $ 51,968 $ 183,935 11/1/36 $ 1,610,000 6.150% $ 49,508 $ - 5/1/37 $ 1,610,000 6.150% $ 85,000 $ 49,508 $ 184,015 11/1/37 $ 1,525,000 6.150% $ - $ 46,894 $ - 5/1/38 $ 1,525,000 6.150% $ 90,000 $ 46,894 $ 183,788 11/1/38 $ 1,435,000 6.150% $ 44,126 $ - 5/1/39 $ 1,435,000 6.150% $ 95,000 $ 44,126 $ 183,253 11/1/39 $ 1,340,000 6.150% $ 41,205 $ - 5/1/40 $ 1,340,000 6.150% $ 100,000 $ 41,205 $ 182,410 11/1/40 $ 1,240,000 6.150% $ 38,130 $ - 5/1/41 $ 1,240,000 6.150% $ 105,000 $ 38,130 $ 181,260 11/1/41 $ 1,135,000 6.150% $ 34,901 $ - 5/1/42 $ 1,135,000 6.150% $ 115,000 $ 34,901 $ 184,803 11/1/42 $ 1,020,000 6.150% $ 31,365 $ - 5/1/43 $ 1,020,000 6.150% $ 120,000 $ 31,365 $ 182,730 11/1/43 $ 900,000 6.150% $ 27,675 $ - 5/1/44 $ 900,000 6.150% $ 125,000 $ 27,675 $ 180,350 11/1/44 $ 775,000 6.150% $ 23,831 $ - 5/1/45 $ 775,000 6.150% $ 135,000 $ 23,831 $ 182,663 11/1/45 $ 640,000 6.150% $ 19,680 $ - 5/1/46 $ 640,000 6.150% $ 145,000 $ 19,680 $ 184,360 11/1/46 $ 495,000 6.150% $ 15,221 $ - 5/1/47 $ 495,000 6.150% $ 155,000 $ 15,221 $ 185,442 11/1/47 $ 340,000 6.150% $ 10,455 $ - 5/1/48 $ 340,000 6.150% $ 165,000 $ 10,455 $ 185,910 11/1/48 $ 175,000 6.150% $ 5,381 $ - Canopy Community Development District Series 2018A-2, Special Assessment Bonds (Term due 5/1/49) Amortization Schedule Date Balance Coupon Principal Interest Annual 5/1/49 $ 175,000 6.150% $ 175,000 $ 5,381 $ 185,763 Totals $ 2,325,000 $ 2,340,844 $ 4,665,844 Canopy Community Development District Debt Service Fund Budget Assessment Area 3 - Series 2018A-3 Bonds Adopted Actual Projected Projected Adopted Description Budget FY 2024 Thru 7/31/24 Next 2 Months Thru 9/30/24 Budget FY 2025 Revenues Assessments - Tax Roll (Platted Lots) $ 111,997 $ 107,493 $ - $ 107,493 $ 106,997 Assessments - Direct (Unplatted Lots) $ 102,379 $ 131,786 $ - $ 131,786 $ 102,378 Interest Income $ 1,000 $ 7,525 $ 1,505 $ 9,030 $ 3,500 Carry Forward Surplus $ 102,270 $ 83,125 $ - $ 83,125 $ 119,669 Total Revenues $ 317,646 $ 329,929 $ 1,505 $ 331,434 $ 332,543 Expenditure Interest - 11/1 $ 83,125 $ 83,125 $ - $ 83,125 $ 81,875 Principal - 5/1 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ 45,000 Interest - 5/1 $ 83,125 $ 83,125 $ - $ 83,125 $ 81,875 Transfer Out $ 750 $ 4,596 $ 919 $ 5,515 $ 750 Total Expenditures $ 207,000 $ 210,846 $ 919 $ 211,765 $ 209,500 Excess Revenues $ 110,646 $ 119,083 $ 586 $ 119,669 $ 123,043 Beginning Fund Balance $ 118,155 Interest - 11/1 $ 80,469 Less: Debt Service Reserve $ (104,688) Carry Forward Surplus $ 13,467 Canopy Community Development District Series 2018A-3, Special Assessment Bonds (Term due 5/1/49) Amortization Schedule Date Balance Coupon Principal Interest Annual 5/1/22 $ 2,735,000 6.250% $ 35,000 $ 85,469 $ 120,469 11/1/22 $ 2,700,000 6.250% $ 84,375 $ - 5/1/23 $ 2,700,000 6.250% $ 40,000 $ 84,375 $ 208,750 11/1/23 $ 2,660,000 6.250% $ 83,125 $ - 5/1/24 $ 2,660,000 6.250% $ 40,000 $ 83,125 $ 206,250 11/1/24 $ 2,620,000 6.250% $ 81,875 $ - 5/1/25 $ 2,620,000 6.250% $ 45,000 $ 81,875 $ 208,750 11/1/25 $ 2,575,000 6.250% $ 80,469 $ - 5/1/26 $ 2,575,000 6.250% $ 50,000 $ 80,469 $ 210,938 11/1/26 $ 2,525,000 6.250% $ 78,906 $ - 5/1/27 $ 2,525,000 6.250% $ 50,000 $ 78,906 $ 207,813 11/1/27 $ 2,475,000 6.250% $ 77,344 $ - 5/1/28 $ 2,475,000 6.250% $ 55,000 $ 77,344 $ 209,688 11/1/28 $ 2,420,000 6.250% $ 75,625 $ - 5/1/29 $ 2,420,000 6.250% $ 55,000 $ 75,625 $ 206,250 11/1/29 $ 2,365,000 6.250% $ 73,906 $ - 5/1/30 $ 2,365,000 6.250% $ 60,000 $ 73,906 $ 207,813 11/1/30 $ 2,305,000 6.250% $ 72,031 $ - 5/1/31 $ 2,305,000 6.250% $ 65,000 $ 72,031 $ 209,063 11/1/31 $ 2,240,000 6.250% $ 70,000 $ - 5/1/32 $ 2,240,000 6.250% $ 70,000 $ 70,000 $ 210,000 11/1/32 $ 2,170,000 6.250% $ 67,813 $ - 5/1/33 $ 2,170,000 6.250% $ 75,000 $ 67,813 $ 210,625 11/1/33 $ 2,095,000 6.250% $ 65,469 $ - 5/1/34 $ 2,095,000 6.250% $ 80,000 $ 65,469 $ 210,938 11/1/34 $ 2,015,000 6.250% $ 62,969 $ - 5/1/35 $ 2,015,000 6.250% $ 85,000 $ 62,969 $ 210,938 11/1/35 $ 1,930,000 6.250% $ 60,313 $ - 5/1/36 $ 1,930,000 6.250% $ 90,000 $ 60,313 $ 210,625 11/1/36 $ 1,840,000 6.250% $ 57,500 $ - 5/1/37 $ 1,840,000 6.250% $ 95,000 $ 57,500 $ 210,000 11/1/37 $ 1,745,000 6.250% $ 54,531 $ - 5/1/38 $ 1,745,000 6.250% $ 100,000 $ 54,531 $ 209,063 11/1/38 $ 1,645,000 6.250% $ 51,406 $ - 5/1/39 $ 1,645,000 6.250% $ 110,000 $ 51,406 $ 212,813 Canopy Community Development District Series 2018A-3, Special Assessment Bonds (Term due 5/1/49) Amortization Schedule Date Balance Coupon Principal Interest Annual 11/1/39 $ 1,535,000 6.250% $ 47,969 $ - 5/1/40 $ 1,535,000 6.250% $ 115,000 $ 47,969 $ 210,938 11/1/40 $ 1,420,000 6.250% $ 44,375 $ - 5/1/41 $ 1,420,000 6.250% $ 120,000 $ 44,375 $ 208,750 11/1/41 $ 1,300,000 6.250% $ 40,625 $ - 5/1/42 $ 1,300,000 6.250% $ 130,000 $ 40,625 $ 211,250 11/1/42 $ 1,170,000 6.250% $ 36,563 $ - 5/1/43 $ 1,170,000 6.250% $ 140,000 $ 36,563 $ 213,125 11/1/43 $ 1,030,000 6.250% $ 32,188 $ - 5/1/44 $ 1,030,000 6.250% $ 145,000 $ 32,188 $ 209,375 11/1/44 $ 885,000 6.250% $ 27,656 $ - 5/1/45 $ 885,000 6.250% $ 155,000 $ 27,656 $ 210,313 11/1/45 $ 730,000 6.250% $ 22,813 $ - 5/1/46 $ 730,000 6.250% $ 165,000 $ 22,813 $ 210,625 11/1/46 $ 565,000 6.250% $ 17,656 $ - 5/1/47 $ 565,000 6.250% $ 175,000 $ 17,656 $ 210,313 11/1/47 $ 390,000 6.250% $ 12,188 $ - 5/1/48 $ 390,000 6.250% $ 190,000 $ 12,188 $ 214,375 11/1/48 $ 200,000 6.250% $ 6,250 $ - 5/1/49 $ 200,000 6.250% $ 200,000 $ 6,250 $ 212,500 Totals $ 2,735,000 $ 3,057,344 $ 5,792,344 Adopted Projected Total Approved Budget Actual thru Next Projected Budget FY 2024 7/31/24 2 Months @ 9/30/24 FY 2025 Revenues Operating Transfer In $ 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Interest Income $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Carryforward Surplus $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 40,000 Total Revenues $ 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 80,000 Expenditures Expenditures Capital Outlay - GF $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Other Current Charges $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Excess Revenues/ (Expenditures) $ 40,000 $ - $ 40,000 $ 40,000 $ 80,000 Canopy Community Development District Capital Reserve Fund - General Fund Assessment Area 1 (Platted) Product Type Units O&M Debt Total Single Family - 40' 19 $ 878 $ 650 $ 1,528 Single Family - 50' 47 $ 878 $ 750 $ 1,628 Single Family - 60' 27 $ 878 $ 850 $ 1,728 Total Units 93 Assessment Area 2 (Platted) Product Type Units O&M Debt Total Single Family - 20' 25 $ 878 $ 450 $ 1,328 Single Family - 30' 21 $ 878 $ 550 $ 1,428 Single Family - 40' 14 $ 878 $ 650 $ 1,528 Single Family - 50' 24 $ 878 $ 750 $ 1,628 Single Family - 60' 26 $ 878 $ 850 $ 1,728 Single Family - 70' 29 $ 878 $ 1,000 $ 1,878 Church 0.5 $ - $ 375 $ 375 Total Units 139.5 Assessment Area 3 (Platted) Product Type Units O&M Debt Total Single Family - 20' 0 $ 878 $ 450 $ 1,328 Single Family - 30' - Attached 30 $ 878 $ 450 $ 1,328 Single Family - 30' 120 $ 878 $ 550 $ 1,428 Single Family - 40' 0 $ 878 $ 650 $ 1,528 Single Family - 50' 5 $ 878 $ 750 $ 1,628 Single Family - 60' 8 $ 878 $ 850 $ 1,728 Single Family - 70' 25 $ 878 $ 1,000 $ 1,878 Total Units 188 Apartments(1) 329 $ 191 $ 225 $ 416 (1) No access to Amenities Total Developed Units 749.5 Assessments - Direct (Undeveloped) 526 $ 166 N/A $ 166 Canopy Community Development District Assessment Chart